The following story comes from Tracy Shea at CafeMom.com, and is used with her permission:
This is my Mary Story.In May of '05, I found out I was pregnant with my second child, 9 years after my first was born. This was a surprise child, and we were shocked, but excited (and afraid, financially.) We went for an ultrasound as a family, to find out if we were buying pink or blue- a boy!
The shock came when it was discovered that he was missing some fingers and toes. I was absolutely sick and terrified as the testing began. First, the high-risk doctor, the genetic counseling, the ultrasounds, and amniocentisis-which I refused. When I asked about the risks, and what they could do for the baby, the reply was "well, you'll know if there is a genetic flaw and you can make a decision about whether or not to keep him." I was pregnant, wasn't I? Hadn't I made the decision???
They predicted possible vision, hearing, organ problems, cleft lip/palate..and the list went on. I laid in bed every night, crying out to Jesus and Mary to please help my baby! Would he be able to walk, to use his hands? Will he be able to see, to hear, to run around with other children? I was so afraid.
My Godfather gave me a miraculous medal. It had belonged to my Aunt who is now in heaven. I have not taken it off since the day he gave it to me. "Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."was my prayer many, many times a day. I went to a healing service with Dr. Nehmeh, and I prayed the rosary and asked that my baby be healed.
One day, while I was in church before mass, praying for my son, I looked up at the crucifix. It was then that I noticed in a special way the wounds on Christ's hands and feet- and I thought of my son. Even Jesus's hands were made imperfect in this world! And, I was less afraid. Day by day, with Mary as my guide, I became more confident that things would be alright.
The pregnancy was a healthy one, and the monthly ultrasounds started to rule out many of the complications that the doctors had predicted. I cannot truly say that my son was healed, but my soul was healed and made brave enough to endure. Sean was born on January 24th, 2006 at 3:21 pm. Today he sees, hears, runs around like a li'l crazy boy, and is perfectly normal by all accounts. He is missing his middle fingers and toes and had orthopaedic surgery to repair the clefts. His little scars remind me of Christ's wounds every day, and I kiss them, and thank God for him.
One mother writes in response to this story: BEAUTIFUL!! Sounds much like my story, except my little guy is very handicapped. God knows what He is doing though--and my faith has helped me every day. God bless.
Do you have a "Mary story" you'd like to share with readers here? Send it to hsaxton(at)christianword(dot)com.
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