Thursday, July 17, 2008

When the Lost is Found: Christine Trollinger

Christine Trollinger is one of the more memorable gems I mined from the slush piles of "Canticle" submissions shortly after I took over the job as editor of the magazine. She always seems to have a miracle within reach ... undoubtedly the fruit of a lifetime of prayer.

And so, I'd like to introduce you to her by sharing a story she sent me this evening, her first contribution to this blog devoted to the Blessed Mother. Right now Christine is suffering some physical limitations that makes it hard for her to sit at the computer ... but she found the strength to send me this. Way to go, and God bless you, Christine!

The Lost has Been Found

The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has always been special to me. For the last 20 years, I have said the nine-day Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and attended the special celebration we have at our parish. Each year Our Blessed Mother manages to shower some rose petals into my life in answer to my prayers in honor of her title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

This year Our Blessed Mother has outdone herself in answering my prayers. For twelve long years I have prayed for my youngest brother, Michael, to return to the family fold. He disappeared from my life in 1996, due to PTSD from his service in Vietnam. He has suffered mightily from alcoholism and depression since Vietnam when our oldest brother was killed and Mike was wounded seriously. For these last twelve years I have always begged Our Lady to watch over Mike and one day bring him back to us.

Imagine my surprise this morning July 17th, at 8:59 am, when the phone rang. As I picked up the phone, I heard the voice of none other than my long lost brother. We talked for four hours straight, and he begged me to meet him in August in our old hometown for a family reunion. It doesn’t get any better than that. I shall always be grateful to the Blessed Mother for safely bringing Mike back home to us.

Thank you Blessed Mother. You are without a doubt, the best Mother in all of the world.