Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mary Moments: A New Carnival!

While we were on our road trip together, Sarah suggested to me that I think about hosting a regular "Mary Carnival" here in order to give other people a chance to share their love for the Blessed Mother.

So ... starting in July, "Mary Moments" will run on the 15th of each month. Submissions should be in my box by the 10th of each month. You do NOT need to be Catholic to participate ... but host (that would be me) reserves the right to ignore posts that are disrespectful of Mary, or deliberately goading toward those who love the Blessed Mother. (Honest questions welcome, so long as you are willing to listen to the answer.)

After all ... no girl lets anyone diss her mother!

If you would like a call for submissions sent on the 5th of each month, drop me a line at hsaxton(at)christianword(dot)com. I look forward to hearing from you ... and thanks for helping me spread the word!