When the hour came … he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” And likewise the cup … saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.”
Luke 22:14, 19-20
Call it mother’s intuition. I had to be with him.
Is it such a terrible thing, a mother
Is it such a terrible thing, a mother
making sure that her Son is eating well?
So, they showed me the room,
and I shooed them out of my kitchen.
So much to do! Peeling and roasting and boiling.
My Son would have a feast.
After dinner I made coffee, and pondered
Jesus’ words: “This is my body… my blood.”
I was just about to clear the dishes when I heard,
“Who is greater? The one seated at the table
So much to do! Peeling and roasting and boiling.
My Son would have a feast.
After dinner I made coffee, and pondered
Jesus’ words: “This is my body… my blood.”
I was just about to clear the dishes when I heard,
“Who is greater? The one seated at the table
or the one who serves?”
I glanced at my dishpan hands, and wondered
What could it mean?
I glanced at my dishpan hands, and wondered
What could it mean?
Mother of the Lamb: A few days later, your Boy became God’s Lamb. A few days more, and you who served as the disciples argued, became their Queen. Pray for us, that we might serve the Kingdom of Heaven with joyful, willing hands. Amen.